Title 28 - Judicial Administration

Title 28: Judicial Administration

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Section Contents

Subpart A—General

§ 541.2   Definitions.

Subpart B—Inmate Discipline and Special Housing Units

§ 541.10   Purpose and scope.
§ 541.11   Notice to inmate of Bureau of Prisons rules.
§ 541.12   Inmate rights and responsibilities.
§ 541.13   Prohibited acts and disciplinary severity scale.
§ 541.14   Incident report and investigation.
§ 541.15   Initial hearing.
§ 541.16   Establishment and functioning of the Discipline Hearing Officer.
§ 541.17   Procedures before the Discipline Hearing Officer.
§ 541.18   Dispositions of the Discipline Hearing Officer.
§ 541.19   Appeals from Unit Discipline Committee or Discipline Hearing Officer actions.
§ 541.20   Justification for placement in disciplinary segregation and review of inmates in disciplinary segregation.
§ 541.21   Conditions of disciplinary segregation.
§ 541.22   Administrative detention.
§ 541.23   Protection cases.

Subpart C [Reserved]

Subpart D—Control Unit Programs

§ 541.40   Purpose and scope.
§ 541.41   Institutional referral.
§ 541.42   Designation of Hearing Administrator.
§ 541.43   Hearing procedure.
§ 541.44   Decision of the Hearing Administrator.
§ 541.45   Executive Panel review and appeal.
§ 541.46   Programs and services.
§ 541.47   Admission to control unit.
§ 541.48   Search of control unit inmates.
§ 541.49   Review of control unit placement.
§ 541.50   Release from a control unit.

Subpart E—Procedures for Handling of HIV Positive Inmates Who Pose Danger to Others

§ 541.60   Purpose and scope.
§ 541.61   Standard for placement in controlled housing status.
§ 541.62   Referral for placement.
§ 541.63   Hearing procedure.
§ 541.64   Decision of the Hearing Administrator.
§ 541.65   Regional Director review and appeal.
§ 541.66   Programs and services.
§ 541.67   Review of controlled housing status.
§ 541.68   Release from controlled housing status.

Authority:  5 U.S.C. 301; 18 U.S.C. 3621, 3622, 3624, 4001, 4042, 4081, 4082 (Repealed in part as to offenses committed on or after November 1, 1987), 4161–4166 (Repealed as to offenses committed on or after November 1, 1987), 5006–5024 (Repealed October 12, 1984 as to offenses committed after that date), 5039; 28 U.S.C. 509, 510.

Subpart A—General
§ 541.2   Definitions.

(a) Investigating Officer. The term Investigating Officer refers to an employee of supervisory level who conducts the investigation concerning alleged charge(s) of inmate misconduct. The Investigating Officer may not be the employee reporting the incident, or one who was involved in the incident in question.

(b) Unit Discipline Committee (UDC). The term Unit Disciplinary Committee (UDC) refers to one or more institution staff members delegated by the Warden the authority and duty to hold an initial hearing upon completion of the investigation concerning alleged charge(s) of inmate misconduct. The Warden shall authorize these staff members to impose minor sanctions (G through P) for violation of prohibited act(s).

(c) Discipline Hearing Officer (DHO). This term refers to a one-person, independent, discipline hearing officer who is responsible for conducting Institution Discipline Hearings and who imposes appropriate sanctions for incidents of inmate misconduct referred for disposition following the hearing required by §541.15 before the UDC.

(d) Segregation Review Official (SRO). The term Segregation Review Official refers to the individual at each Bureau of Prisons institution assigned to review the status of each inmate housed in disciplinary segregation and administrative detention, as required in §§541.20 and 541.22 of this rule.

[53 FR 197, Jan. 5, 1988]

Subpart B—Inmate Discipline and Special Housing Units

Source:  53 FR 197, Jan. 5, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

§ 541.10   Purpose and scope.

(a) So that inmates may live in a safe and orderly environment, it is necessary for institution authorities to impose discipline on those inmates whose behavior is not in compliance with Bureau of Prisons rules. The provisions of this rule apply to all persons committed to the care, custody, and control (direct or constructive) of the Bureau of Prisons.

(b) The following general principles apply in every disciplinary action taken:

(1) Only institution staff may take disciplinary action.

(2) Staff shall take disciplinary action at such times and to the degree necessary to regulate an inmate's behavior within Bureau rules and institution guidelines and to promote a safe and orderly institution environment.

(3) Staff shall control inmate behavior in a completely impartial and consistent manner.

(4) Disciplinary action may not be capricious or retaliatory.

(5) Staff may not impose or allow imposition of corporal punishment of any kind.

(6) If it appears at any stage of the disciplinary process that an inmate is mentally ill, staff shall refer the inmate to a mental health professional for determination of whether the inmate is responsible for his conduct or is incompetent. Staff may take no disciplinary action against an inmate whom mental health staff determines to be incompetent or not responsible for his conduct.

(i) A person is not responsible for his conduct if, at the time of the conduct, the person, as a result of a severe mental disease or defect, was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts. When a person is determined not responsible for his conduct, the Incident Report is to show as a finding that the person did not commit the prohibited act because that person was found not to be mentally responsible for his conduct.

(ii) A person is incompetent if that person lacks the ability to understand the nature of the disciplinary proceedings, or to assist in his defense at the proceedings. When a person is determined incompetent, the disciplinary proceedings shall be postponed until such time as the inmate is able to understand the nature of the disciplinary proceedings and to assist in his defense at those proceedings. If competency is not restored within a reasonable period of time, the Incident Report is to show as a finding that the inmate is incompetent to assist in his or her defense at the disciplinary proceedings.

§ 541.11   Notice to inmate of Bureau of Prisons rules.

Staff shall advise each inmate in writing promptly after arrival at an institution of:

(a) The types of disciplinary action which may be taken by institution staff;

(b) The disciplinary system within the institution and the time limits thereof (see tables 1 and 2);

(c) The inmate's rights and responsibilities (see §541.12);

(d) Prohibited acts and disciplinary severity scale (see §541.13, tables 3, 4, and 5); and

(e) Sanctions by severity of prohibited act, with eligibility for restoration of forfeited and withheld statutory good time (see table 6).

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§ 541.12   Inmate rights and responsibilities.
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------                  Rights                          Responsibilities------------------------------------------------------------------------1. You have the right to expect that as a  1. You have the human being you will be treated            responsibility to treat respectfully, impartially, and fairly by   others, both employees and all personnel.                             inmates, in the same manner.2. You have the right to be informed of    2. You have the the rules, procedures, and schedules       responsibility to know and concerning the operation of the            abide by them. institution.3. You have the right to freedom of        3. You have the religious affiliation, and voluntary       responsibility to recognize religious worship.                         and respect the rights of                                            others in this regard.4. You have the right to health care,      4. It is your responsibility which includes nutritious meals, proper    not to waste food, to follow bedding and clothing, and a laundry        the laundry and shower schedule for cleanliness of the same, an   schedule, to maintain neat opportunity to shower regularly, proper    and clean living quarters, ventilation for warmth and fresh air, a    to keep your area free of regular exercise period, toilet articles   contraband, and to seek and medical and dental treatment.          medical and dental care as                                            you may need it.5. You have the right to visit and         5. It is your responsibility correspond with family members, and        to conduct yourself properly friends, and correspond with members of    during visits, not to accept the news media in keeping with Bureau      or pass contraband, and not rules and institution guidelines.          to violate the law or Bureau                                            rules or institution                                            guidelines through your                                            correspondence.6. You have the right to unrestricted and  6. You have the responsibity confidential access to the courts by       to present honestly and correspondence (on matters such as the     fairly your petitions, legality of your conviction, civil         questions, and problems to matters, pending criminal cases, and       the court. conditions of your imprisonment).7. You have the right to legal counsel     7. It is your responsibility from an attorney of your choice by         to use the services of an interviews and correspondence.             attorney honestly and                                            fairly.8. You have the right to participate in    8. It is your responsibility the use of law library reference           to use these resources in materials to assist you in resolving       keeping with the procedures legal problems. You also have the right    and schedule prescribed and to receive help when it is available       to respect the rights of through a legal assistance program.        other inmates to the use of                                            the materials and                                            assistance.9. You have the right to a wide range of   9. It is your responsibility reading materials for educational          to seek and utilize such purposes and for your own enjoyment.       materials for your personal These materials may include magazines      benefit, without depriving and newspapers sent from the community,    others of their equal rights with certain restrictions.                 to the use of this material.10. You have the right to participate in   10. You have the responsibity education, vocational training and         to take advantage of employment as far as resources are         activities which may help available, and in keeping with your        you live a successful and interests, needs, and abilities.           law-abiding life within the                                            institution and in the                                            community. You will be                                            expected to abide by the                                            regulations governing the                                            use of such activities.11. You have the right to use your funds   11. You have the for commissary and other purchases,        responsibility to meet your consistent with institution security and   financial and legal good order, for opening bank and/or        obligations, including, but savings accounts, and for assisting your   not limited to, court- family.                                    imposed assessments, fines,                                            and restitution. You also                                            have the responsibility to                                            make use of your funds in a                                            manner consistent with your                                            release plans, your family                                            needs, and for other                                            obligations that you may                                            have.------------------------------------------------------------------------
§ 541.13   Prohibited acts and disciplinary severity scale.

(a) There are four categories of prohibited acts—Greatest, High, Moderate, and Low Moderate (see table 3 for identification of the prohibited acts within each category). Specific sanctions are authorized for each category (see table 4 for a discussion of each sanction). Imposition of a sanction requires that the inmate first is found to have committed a prohibited act.

(1) Greatest category offenses. The Discipline Hearing Officer (DHO) shall impose and execute one or more of sanctions A through E. Sanction B.1 must be imposed for a VCCLEA inmate rated as violent (i.e., an inmate who, as specified in the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, committed a crime of violence on or after September 13, 1994) and for a PLRA inmate (i.e., an inmate who has been sentenced for an offense committed on or after April 26, 1996). The DHO may impose and execute sanction F and/or G only in addition to execution of one or more of sanctions A through E. Except as noted in the sanction, the DHO may also suspend one or more additional sanctions A through G.

(2) High category offenses. The Discipline Hearing Officer shall impose and execute one or more of sanctions A through M, and, except as noted in the sanction, may also suspend one or more additional sanctions A through M. Sanction B.1 must be imposed for a VCCLEA inmate rated as violent and for a PLRA inmate. The Unit Discipline Committee shall impose and execute one or more of sanctions G through M, and may also suspend one or more additional sanctions G through M, except for a VCCLEA inmate rated as violent. All high category offense charges for a VCCLEA inmate rated as violent and for a PLRA inmate must be referred to the DHO.

(3) Moderate category offenses. The Discipline Hearing Officer shall impose at least one sanction A through N, but, except as noted in the sanction, may suspend any sanction or sanctions imposed. Sanction B.1 ordinarily must be imposed for a VCCLEA inmate rated as violent and for a PLRA inmate. Except for charges referred to the DHO, the Unit Discipline Committee shall impose at least one sanction G through N, but may suspend any sanction or sanctions imposed. The UDC ordinarily shall refer to the DHO a moderate category charge for a VCCLEA inmate rated as violent or for a PLRA inmate if the inmate had been found to have committed a moderate category offense during the inmate's current anniversary year (i.e., the twelve month period of time for which an inmate may be eligible to earn good conduct time). The UDC must thoroughly document in writing the reasons why the charge for such an inmate was not referred to the DHO.

(4) Low moderate category offenses. The Discipline Hearing Officer shall impose at least one sanction B.1, or E through P. The Discipline Hearing Officer may suspend any E through P sanction or sanctions imposed (a B.1 sanction may not be suspended). Except for charges referred to the DHO, the Unit Discipline Committee (UDC) shall impose at least one sanction G through P, but may suspend any sanction or sanctions imposed. The UDC ordinarily shall refer to the DHO a low moderate category charge for a VCCLEA inmate rated as violent or for a PLRA inmate if the inmate had been found to have committed two low moderate category offenses during the inmate's current anniversary year (i.e., the twelve month period of time for which an inmate may be eligible to earn good conduct time). The UDC must thoroughly document in writing the reasons why the charge for such an inmate was not referred to the DHO.

(b) Aiding another person to commit any of these offenses, attempting to commit any of these offenses, and making plans to commit any of these offenses, in all categories of severity, shall be considered the same as a commission of the offense itself. In these cases, the letter “A” is combined with the offense code. For example, planning an escape would be considered as Escape and coded 102A. Likewise, attempting the adulteration of any food or drink would be coded 209A.

(c) Suspensions of any sanction cannot exceed six months. Revocation and execution of a suspended sanction require that the inmate first is found to have committed any subsequent prohibited act. Only the Discipline Hearing Officer (DHO) may execute, suspend, or revoke and execute suspension of sanctions A through F. The Discipline Hearing Officer (DHO) or Unit Discipline Committee (UDC) may execute, suspend, or revoke and execute suspensions of sanctions G through P. Revocations and execution of suspensions may be made only at the level (DHO or UDC) which originally imposed the sanction. The DHO now has that authority for suspensions which were earlier imposed by the Inmate Discipline Committee (IDC).

(d) If the Unit Discipline Committee has previously imposed a suspended sanction and subsequently refers a case to the Discipline Hearing Officer, the referral shall include an advisement to the DHO of any intent to revoke that suspension if the DHO finds that the prohibited act was committed. If the DHO then finds that the prohibited act was committed, the DHO shall so advise the Unit Discipline Committee who may then revoke the previous suspension.

(e) The Unit Discipline Committee or Discipline Hearing Officer may impose increased sanctions for repeated, frequent offenses according to the guidelines presented in table 5.

(f) Sanctions by severity of prohibited act, with eligibility for restoration of forfeited and withheld statutory good time are presented in table 6.

         Table 3_Prohibited Acts and Disciplinary Severity Scale------------------------------------------------------------------------ Code              Prohibited acts                      Sanctions------------------------------------------------------------------------                             GREATEST CATEGORY       The UDC shall refer all Greatest       Severity Prohibited Acts to the      DHO with recommendations as to an           appropriate disposition.------------------------------------------------------------------------      Killing      100                        A. Recommend parole date      Assaulting any person (includes          rescission or       sexual assault) or an armed             retardation.       assault on the institution's           B. Forfeit earned       secure perimeter (a charge for          statutory good time or       assaulting any person at this           non-vested good conduct       level is to be used only when           time (up to 100%) and/       serious physical injury has been        or terminate or       attempted or carried out by an          disallow extra good       inmate)                                 time (an extra good      Escape from escort; escape from a        time or good conduct       secure institution (low, medium,        time sanction may not       and high security level and             be suspended).       administrative institutions); or       B.1 Disallow ordinarily       escape from a minimum                   between 50 and 75% (27-       institution with violence               41 days) of good      Setting a fire (charged with this        conduct time credit       act in this category only when          available for year (a       found to pose a threat to life          good conduct time       or a threat of serious bodily           sanction may not be       harm or in furtherance of a             suspended).       prohibited act of Greatest             C. Disciplinary Transfer       Severity, e.g., in furtherance          (recommend).       of a riot or escape; otherwise         D. Disciplinary       the charge is properly                  segregation (up to 60       classified Code 218, or 329)            days).      Possession, manufacture, or             E. Make monetary       introduction of a gun, firearm,         restitution.       weapon, sharpened instrument,          F. Withhold statutory       knife, dangerous chemical,              good time (Note_can be       explosive or any ammunition             in addition to A      Rioting                                  through E_cannot be the      Encouraging others to riot               only sanction      Taking hostage(s)                        executed).      Possession, manufacture, or             G. Loss of privileges       introduction of a hazardous tool        (Note_can be in       (Tools most likely to be used in        addition to A through       an escape or escape attempt or          E_cannot be the only       to serve as weapons capable of          sanction executed).       doing serious bodily harm to       others; or those hazardous to       institutional security or       personal safety; e.g., hack-saw       blade)      (Not to be used)      Refusing to provide a urine       sample or to take part in other       drug-abuse testing      Introduction of any narcotics,       marijuana, drugs, or related       paraphernalia not prescribed for       the individual by the medical       staff      Use of any narcotics, marijuana,       drugs, or related paraphernalia       not prescribed for the       individual by the medical staff      Possession of any narcotics,       marijuana, drugs, or related       paraphernalia not prescribed for       the individual by the medical       staff      Use of the telephone to further       criminal activity      Interfering with a staff member       in the performance of duties.       (Conduct must be of the Greatest       Severity nature.) This charge is       to be used only when another       charge of greatest severity is       not applicable      Conduct which disrupts or       interferes with the security or       orderly running of the       institution or the Bureau of       Prisons. (Conduct must be of the       Greatest Severity nature.) This       charge is to be used only when       another charge of greatest       severity is not applicable                               HIGH CATEGORY------------------------------------------------------------------------      Escape from unescorted Community        A. Recommend parole date       Programs and activities and Open        rescission or       Institutions (minimum) and from         retardation.       outside secure1                        B. Forfeit earned       institutions_without violence           statutory good time or      Fighting with another person             non-vested good conduct      (Not to be used)                         time up to 50% or up to      Threatening another with bodily          60 days, whichever is       harm or any other offense               less, and/or terminate      Extortion, blackmail, protection:        or disallow extra good       Demanding or receiving money or         time (an extra good       anything of value in return for         time or good conduct       protection against others, to           time sanction may not       avoid bodily harm, or under             be suspended).       threat of informing                    B.1 Disallow ordinarily      Engaging in sexual acts                  between 25 and 50% (14-      Making sexual proposals or               27 days) of good       threats to another                      conduct time credit      Wearing a disguise or a mask             available for year (a      Possession of any unauthorized           good conduct time       locking device, or lock pick, or        sanction may not be       tampering with or blocking any          suspended).       lock device (includes keys), or        C. Disciplinary transfer       destroying, altering,                   (recommend).       interfering with, improperly           D. Disciplinary       using, or damaging any security         segregation (up to 30       device, mechanism, or procedure         days).      Adulteration of any food or drink       E. Make monetary      (Not to be used)                         restitution.      Possessing any officer's or staff       F. Withhold statutory       clothing                                good time.      Engaging in, or encouraging a           G. Loss of privileges:       group demonstration                     commissary, movies,      Encouraging others to refuse to          recreation, etc.       work, or to participate in a           H. Change housing       work stoppage                           (quarters).      (Not to be used)                        I. Remove from program      Introduction of alcohol into BOP         and/or group activity.       facility                               J. Loss of job.      Giving or offering an official or       K. Impound inmate's       staff member a bribe, or                personal property.       anything of value                      L. Confiscate      Giving money to, or receiving            contraband.       money from, any person for             M. Restrict to quarters.       purposes of introducing       contraband or for any other       illegal or prohibited purposes      Destroying, altering, or damaging       government property, or the       property of another person,       having a value in excess of       $100.00 or destroying, altering,       or damaging life-safety devices       (e.g., fire alarm) regardless of       financial value      Stealing (theft; this includes       data obtained through the       unauthorized use of a       communications facility, or       through the unauthorized access       to disks, tapes, or computer       printouts or other automated       equipment on which data is       stored.)      Demonstrating, practicing, or       using martial arts, boxing       (except for use of a punching       bag), wrestling, or other forms       of physical encounter, or       military exercises or drill       (except for drill authorized and       conducted by staff)      Being in an unauthorized area       with a person of the opposite       sex without staff permission      Making, possessing, or using       intoxicants      Refusing to breathe into a       breathalyzer or take part in       other testing for use of alcohol      Assaulting any person (charged       with this act only when a less       serious physical injury or       contact has been attempted or       carried out by an inmate)      Use of the telephone for abuses       other than criminal activity       (e.g., circumventing telephone       monitoring procedures,       possession and/or use of another       inmate's PIN number; third-party       calling; third-party billing;       using credit card numbers to       place telephone calls,       conference calling; talking in       code)      Interfering with a staff member       in the performance of duties.       (Conduct must be of the High       Severity nature.) This charge is       to be used only when another       charge of high severity is not       applicable      Conduct which disrupts or       interferes with the security or       orderly running of the       institution or the Bureau of       Prisons. (Conduct must be of the       High Severity nature.) This       charge is to be used only when       another charge of high severity       is not applicable                             MODERATE CATEGORY------------------------------------------------------------------------      Indecent exposure                       A. Recommend parole date      (Not to be used)                         rescission or      Misuse of authorized medication          retardation.      Possession of money or currency,        B. Forfeit earned       unless specifically authorized,         statutory good time or       or in excess of the amount              non-vested good conduct       authorized                              time up to 25% or up to      Loaning of property or anything          30 days, whichever is       of value for profit or increased        less, and/or terminate       return      306                         or disallow extra good      Possession of anything not               time (an extra good       authorized for retention or             time or good conduct       receipt by the inmate, and not          time sanction may not       issued to him through regular           be suspended).       channels                               B.1 Disallow ordinarily      Refusing to work, or to accept a         up to 25% (1-14 days)       program assignment                      of good conduct time      Refusing to obey an order of any         credit available for       staff member (May be categorized        year (a good conduct       and charged in terms of greater         time sanction may not       severity, according to the              be suspended).       nature of the order being              C. Disciplinary transfer       disobeyed; e.g., failure to obey        (recommend).       an order which furthers a riot         D. Disciplinary       would be charged as 105,                segregation (up to 15       Rioting; refusing to obey an            days).       order which furthers a fight           E. Make monetary       would be charged as 201,                restitution.       Fighting; refusing to provide a        F. Withhold statutory       urine sample when ordered would         good time.       be charged as Code 110                 G. Loss of privileges:      Violating a condition of a               commissary, movies,       furlough                                recreation, etc.      Violating a condition of a              H. Change housing       community program                       (quarters).      Unexcused absence from work or          I. Remove from program       any assignment                          and/or group activity.      Failing to perform work as              J. Loss of job.       instructed by the supervisor           K. Impound inmate's      Insolence towards a staff member         personal property.      Lying or providing a false              L. Confiscate       statement to a staff member.            contraband.      Counterfeiting, forging or              M. Restrict to quarters.       unauthorized reproduction of any       N. Extra duty.       document, article of       identification, money, security,       or official paper. (May be       categorized in terms of greater       severity according to the nature       of the item being reproduced;       e.g., counterfeiting release       papers to effect escape, Code       102 or Code 200)      Participating in an unauthorized       meeting or gathering      Being in an unauthorized area      Failure to follow safety or       sanitation regulations      Using any equipment or machinery       which is not specifically       authorized      Using any equipment or machinery       contrary to instructions or       posted safety standards      Failing to stand count      Interfering with the taking of       count      (Not to be used)      (Not to be used)      Gambling     324      Preparing or conducting a       gambling pool      Possession of gambling       paraphernalia      Unauthorized contacts with the       public      Giving money or anything of value       to, or accepting money or       anything of value from: another       inmate, or any other person       without staff authorization      Destroying, altering, or damaging       government property, or the       property of another person,       having a value of $100.00 or       less      Being unsanitary or untidy;       failing to keep one's person and       one's quarters in accordance       with posted standards      Possession, manufacture, or       introduction of a non-hazardous       tool or other non-hazardous       contraband (Tool not likely to       be used in an escape or escape       attempt, or to serve as a weapon       capable of doing serious bodily       harm to others, or not hazardous       to institutional security or       personal safety; Other non-       hazardous contraband includes       such items as food or       cosmetics).      Smoking where prohibited      Use of the telephone for abuses       other than criminal activity       (e.g., conference calling,       possession and/or use of another       inmate's PIN number, three-way       calling, providing false       information for preparation of a       telephone list).      Interfering with a staff member       in the performance of duties.       (Conduct must be of the Moderate       Severity nature.) This charge is       to be used only when another       charge of moderate severity is       not applicable.      Conduct which disrupts or       interferes with the security or       orderly running of the       institution or the Bureau of       Prisons. (Conduct must be of the       Moderate Severity nature). This       charge is to be used only when       another charge of moderate       severity is not applicable.                           LOW MODERATE CATEGORY------------------------------------------------------------------------      Possession of property belonging        B.1 Disallow ordinarily       to another person                       up to 12.5% (1-7 days)      Possessing unauthorized amount of        of good conduct time       otherwise authorized clothing           credit available for      Malingering, feigning illness            year (to be used only      (Not to be used)                         where inmate found to      Using abusive or obscene language        have committed a second      Tattooing or self-mutilation             violation of the same      (Not to be used)                         prohibited act within 6      Conduct with a visitor in                months); Disallow       violation of Bureau regulations         ordinarily up to 25% (1       (Restriction, or loss for a             14 days) of good       specific period of time, of             conduct time credit       these privileges may often be an        available for year (to       appropriate sanction G)                 be used only where      Conducting a business                    inmate found to have      Unauthorized physical contact            committed a third       (e.g., kissing, embracing)              violation of the same      Unauthorized use of mail                 prohibited act within 6       (Restriction, or loss for a             months) (a good conduct       specific period of time, of             time sanction may not       these privileges may often be an        be suspended).       appropriate sanction G) (May be        E. Make monetary       categorized and charged in terms        restitution.       of greater severity, according         F. Withhold statutory       to the nature of the                    good time.       unauthorized use; e.g., the mail       G. Loss of privileges:       is used for planning,                   commissary, movies,       facilitating, committing an             recreation, etc.       armed assault on the                   H. Change housing       institution's secure perimeter,         (quarters).       would be charged as a Code 101         I. Remove from program       Assault)                                and/or group activity.      Use of the telephone for abuses         J. Loss of job.       other than criminal activity           K. Impound inmate's       (e.g., exceeding the 15-minute          personal property.       time limit for telephone calls;        L. Confiscate       using the telephone in an               contraband.       unauthorized area; placing of an       M. Restrict to quarters.       unauthorized individual on the         N. Extra duty.       telephone list)                        O. Reprimand.      Interfering with a staff member         P. Warning.       in the performance of duties.       (Conduct must be of the Low       Moderate Severity nature.) This       charge is to be used only when       another charge of low moderate       severity is not applicable      Conduct which disrupts or       interferes with the security or       orderly running of the       institution or the Bureau of       Prisons (Conduct must be of the       Low Moderate Severity nature.)       This charge is to be used only       when another charge of low       moderate severity is not       applicable------------------------------------------------------------------------      Note: Aiding another person to commit any of these offenses,        attempting to commit any of these offenses, and making plans to        commit any of these offenses, in all categories of severity,        shall be considered the same as a commission of the offense        itself.

Table 4—Sanctions

1. Sanctions of the Discipline Hearing Officer: (upon finding the inmate committed the prohibited act)

(a) Recommend parole date rescission or retardation. The DHO may make recommendations to the U.S. Parole Commission for retardation or rescission of parole grants. This may require holding fact-finding hearings upon request of or for the use of the Commission.

(b) Forfeit earned statutory good time, non-vested good conduct time, and/or terminate or disallow extra good time. The statutory good time available for forfeiture is limited to an amount computed by multiplying the number of months served at the time of the offense for which forfeiture action is taken, by the applicable monthly rate specified in 18 U.S.C. 4161 (less any previous forfeiture or withholding outstanding). The amount of good conduct time (GCT) available for forfeiture is limited to the total number of days in the “non-vested” status at the time of the misconduct (less any previous forfeiture). A forfeiture of good conduct time sanction may not be suspended. Disallowance of extra good time is limited to the extra good time for the calendar month in which the violation occurs. It may not be withheld or restored. The sanction of termination or disallowance of extra good time may not be suspended. Forfeited good conduct time will not be restored. Authority to restore forfeited statutory good time is delegated to the Warden. This decision may not be delegated lower than the Associate Warden level. Limitations on this sanction and eligibility for restoration are based on the severity scale. (See table 6)

(b.1) Disallowance of good conduct time. I. An inmate sentenced under the Sentencing Reform Act provisions of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act (includes the inmate who committed his or her crime on or after November 1, 1987) may not receive statutory good time, but is eligible to receive 54 days good conduct time credit each year (18 U.S.C. 3624(b)). Once awarded, the credit is vested, and may not be disallowed. However, for crimes committed on or after September 13, 1994 and prior to April 26, 1996, credit toward an inmate's service of sentence shall not be vested unless the inmate has earned or is making satisfactory progress toward a high school diploma or an equivalent degree, or has been exempted from participation because of a learning disability. For crimes committed on or after April 26, 1996, credit toward an inmate's service of sentence shall vest on the date the inmate is released from custody. Once disallowed, the credit may not be restored, except by immediate review or appeal action as indicated below. Prior to this award being made, the credit may be disallowed for an inmate found to have committed a prohibited act. A sanction of disallowance of good conduct time may not be suspended. Only the DHO can take action to disallow good conduct time. The DHO shall consider the severity of the prohibited act and the suggested disallowance guidelines in making a determination to disallow good conduct time. A decision to go above the guideline range is warranted for a greatly aggravated offense or where there is a repetitive violation of the same prohibited act that occurs within a relatively short time frame (e.g., within 18 months for the same greatest severity prohibited act, within 12 months for the same high severity prohibited act, and within 6 months for the same moderate severity prohibited act). A decision to go below the guidelines is warranted for strong mitigating factors. Any decision outside the suggested disallowance guidelines is to be documented and justified in the DHO report.

II. VCCLEA inmates rated as violent and PLRA inmates will ordinarily be disallowed good conduct time for each prohibited act they are found to have committed at a DHO hearing, consistent with the following:

(1) Greatest category offenses: A minimum of 40 days (or, if less than 54 days are available for the prorated period, a minimum of 75% of available good conduct time) for each act committed;

(2) High category offenses: A minimum of 27 days (or, if less than 54 days are available for the prorated period, a minimum of 50% of available good conduct time) for each act committed;

(3) Moderate category offenses: A minimum of 13 days (or, if less than 54 days are available for the prorated period, a minimum of 25% of available good conduct time) for each act committed if the inmate has committed two or more moderate category offenses during the current anniversary period;

(4) Low moderate category offenses: A minimum of 6 days (or, if less than 54 days are available for the prorated period, a minimum of 12.5% of available good conduct time) for each act committed if the inmate has committed three or more low moderate category offenses during the current anniversary period.

However, the DHO may, after careful consideration of mitigating factors (seriousness of the offense, the inmate's past disciplinary record, the lack of available good conduct time, etc.) choose to impose a lesser sanction, or even disallow no GCT for moderate and low moderate prohibited acts by VCCLEA inmates rated as violent or by PLRA inmates. The DHO must thoroughly detail the rationale for choosing to disallow less than 13 days or 6 days respectively. This will be documented in Section VII of the DHO report. Disallowances of amounts greater than 13 days or 6 days respectively will occur with repetitive offenses consistent with the guidelines in this (b.1).

III. The decision of the DHO is final and is subject only to review by the Warden to ensure conformity with the provisions of the disciplinary policy and by inmate appeal through the administrative remedy program. The DHO is to ensure that the inmate is notified that any appeal of a disallowance of good conduct time must be made within the time frames established in the Bureau's rule on administrative remedy procedures.

IV. Except for VCCLEA inmates rated as violent or PLRA inmates, Sanction B.1 may be imposed on the Low Moderate category only where the inmate has committed the same low moderate prohibited act more than one time within a six-month period.

(c) Recommend disciplinary transfer. The DHO may recommend that an inmate be transferred to another institution for disciplinary reasons. Where a present or impending emergency requires immediate action, the Warden may recommend for approval of the Regional Director the transfer of an inmate prior to either a UDC or DHO hearing. Transfers for disciplinary reasons prior to a hearing before the UDC or DHO may be used only in emergency situations and only with approval of the Regional Director. When an inmate is transferred under these circumstances, the sending institution shall forward copies of incident reports and other relevant materials with completed investigation to the receiving institution's Discipline Hearing Officer. The inmate shall receive a hearing at the receiving institution as soon as practicable under the circumstances to consider the factual basis of the charge of misconduct and the reasons for the emergency transfer. All procedural requirements applicable to UDC or DHO hearings contained in this rule are appropriate, except that written statements of unavailable witnesses are liberally accepted instead of live testimony.

(d) Disciplinary segregation. The DHO may direct that an inmate be placed or retained in disciplinary segregation pursuant to guidelines contained in this rule. Consecutive disciplinary segregation sanctions can be imposed and executed for inmates charged with and found to have committed offenses that are part of different acts only. Specific limits on time in disciplinary segregation are based on the severity scale. (See table 6)

(e) Make monetary restitution. The DHO may direct that an inmate reimburse the U.S. Treasury for any damages to U.S. Government property that the individual is determined to have caused or contributed to.

(f) Withholding statutory good time. The DHO may direct that an inmate's good time be withheld. Withholding of good time should not be applied as a universal punishment to all persons in disciplinary segregation status. Withholding is limited to the total amount of good time creditable for the single month during which the violation occurs. Some offenses, such as refusal to work at an assignment, may be recurring, thereby permitting, when ordered by the DHO, consecutive withholding actions. When this is the intent, the DHO shall specify at the time of the initial DHO hearing that good time may be withheld until the inmate elects to return to work. During the running of such a withholding order, the DHO shall review the offense with the inmate on a monthly basis. For an on-going offense, staff need not prepare a new Incident Report or conduct an investigation or initial hearing (UDC). The DHO shall provide the inmate an opportunity to appear in person and to present a statement orally or in writing. The DHO shall document its action on, or by an attachment to, the initial Institution Discipline report. If further withholding is ordered, the DHO shall advise the inmate of the inmate's right to appeal through the Administrative Remedy Procedure (part 542). Only the Warden may restore withheld statutory good time. This decision may not be delegated lower than the Associate Warden level. Restoration eligibility is based on the severity scale. (See table 6)

2. Sanctions of the Discipline Hearing Officer/Unit Discipline Committee: (upon finding the inmate committed the prohibited act)

(g) Loss of privileges: The DHO or UDC may direct that an inmate forego specific privileges for a specified period of time. Ordinarily, loss of privileges is used as a sanction in response to an abuse of that privilege. However, the DHO or UDC may impose a loss of privilege sanction not directly related to the offense when there is a lack of other appropriate sanctions or when imposition of an appropriate sanction previously has been ineffective.

(h) Change housing (quarters). The DHO or UDC may direct that an inmate be removed from current housing and placed in other housing.

(i) Remove from program and/or group activity. The DHO or UDC may direct that an inmate forego participating in any program or group activity for a specified period of time.

(j) Loss of job. The DHO or UDC may direct that an inmate be removed from present job and/or be assigned to another job.

(k) Impound inmate's personal property. The DHO or UDC may direct that an inmate's personal property be stored in the institution (when relevant to offense) for a specified period of time.

(l) Confiscate contraband. The DHO or UDC may direct that any contraband in the possession of an inmate be confiscated and disposed of appropriately.

(m) Restrict quarters. The DHO or UDC may direct that an inmate be confined to quarters or in its immediate area for a specified period of time.

(n) Extra duty. The DHO or UDC may direct that an inmate perform tasks other than those performed during regularly assigned institutional job.

(o) Reprimand. The DHO or UDC may reprimand an inmate either verbally or in writing.

(p) Warning. The DHO or UDC may verbally warn an inmate regarding committing prohibited act(s)

                    Table 5_Sanctions for Repetition of Prohibited Acts Within Same Category    [When the Unit Discipline Committee or DHO finds that an inmate has committed a prohibited act in the Low Moderate, Moderate, or High category, and when there has been a repetition of the same offense(s) within recent  months (offenses for violation of the same code), increased sanctions are authorized to be imposed by the DHO  according to the following chart. (Note: An informal resolution may not be considered as a prior offense for                                            purposes of this chart.)]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                       Prior offense (same              Category                  code) within time     Frequency of repeated       Sanction permitted                                             period                  offense----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Low moderate (400 series)..........  6 months..............  2d offense............  Low Moderate Sanctions,                                                                                      plus                                                                                     1. Disciplinary                                                                                      segregation, up to 7 days.                                                                                     2. Forfeit earned SGT or                                                                                      non-vested GCT up to 10%                                                                                      or up to 15 days,                                                                                      whichever is less, and/or                                                                                      terminate or disallow                                                                                      extra good time (EGT) (an                                                                                      EGT sanction may not be                                                                                      suspended).                                                             3d offense, or more...  Any sanctions available in                                                                                      Moderate (300) and Low                                                                                      Moderate (400) series.Moderate (300 series)..............  12 months.............  2d offense............  Moderate Sanctions (A,C,E-                                                                                      N), plus.                                                                                     1. Disciplinary                                                                                      segregation, up to 21                                                                                      days.                                                                                     2. Forfeit earned SGT or                                                                                      non-vested GCT up to 37\1/                                                                                      2\% or up to 45 days,                                                                                      whichever is less, and/or                                                                                      terminate or disallow EGT                                                                                      (an EGT sanction may not                                                                                      be suspended).                                                             3d offense, or more...  Any sanctions available in                                                                                      Moderate (300) and High                                                                                      (200) series.High (200 series)..................  18 months.............  2d offense............  High Sanctions (A,C,E-M),                                                                                      plus.                                                                                     1. Disciplinary                                                                                      segregation, up to 45                                                                                      days.                                                                                     2. Forfeit earned SGT or                                                                                      non-vested GCT up to 75%                                                                                      or up to 90 days,                                                                                      whichever is less, and/or                                                                                      terminate or disallow EGT                                                                                      (an EGT sanction may not                                                                                      be suspended).                                                             3d offense, or more...  Any sanctions available in                                                                                      High (200) and Greatest                                                                                      (100) series.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Table 6_Sanctions by Severity of Prohibited Act, With Eligibility for Restoration of Forfeited and Withheld Statutory Good Time--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                               Elig. restoration   Elig. restoration         Severity of act               Sanctions      Max. amt. forf. GT   Max. amt W/hd SGT       forf. SGT           W/hd/SGT          Max. dis seg--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greatest........................  A-F...............  100%..............  Good time           24 mos............  18 mos............  60 days.                                                                           creditable for                                                                           single.High............................  A-M...............  50% or 60 days,     month during which  18 mos............  12 mos............  30 days.                                                       whichever is less.  violation occurs.                                                                           Applies to all                                                                           categories..Moderate........................  A-N...............  25% or 30 days,                         12 mos............  6 mos.............  15 days.                                                       whichever is less.Low Moderate....................  E-P...............  N/A...............                      N/A (1st offense).  3 mos.............  N/A (1st offense).                                                                                              6 mos. (2nd or 3rd                      7 days (2nd                                                                                               offense in same                         offense).                                                                                               category within                                                                                               six months).                                                                                                                                      15 days (3rd                                                                                                                                       offense).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: (1) In table 6 headings, ``GT'' represents both good conduct and statutory good time and ``SGT'' represents statutory good time. Forfeited good  conduct time is not eligible for restoration. Restoration of statutory good time will be approved at the time of initial eligibility only when the  inmate has shown a period of time with improved good behavior. When the Warden or his delegated representative denies restoration of forfeited or  withheld statutory good time, the unit team shall notify the inmate of the reasons for denial. The unit team shall establish a new eligibility date,  not to exceed six months from the date of denial.(2) An inmate with an approaching parole effective date, or an approaching mandatory release or expiration date who has forfeited good time may be  placed in a Community Treatment Center only if that inmate is otherwise eligible under Bureau policy, and if there exists a legitimate documented need  for such placement. The length of stay at the Community Treatment Center is to be held to the time necessary to establish residence and employment.

[53 FR 197, Jan, 5, 1988, as amended at 53 FR 40686, Oct. 17, 1988; 54 FR 38987, Sept. 22, 1989; 54 FR 39095, Sept. 22, 1989; 58 FR 39095, July 21, 1993; 62 FR 50788, Sept. 26, 1997; 65 FR 59726, Oct. 6, 2000; 67 FR 77428, Dec. 18, 2002]

§ 541.14   Incident report and investigation.

(a) Incident report. The Bureau of Prisons encourages informal resolution (requiring consent of both parties) of incidents involving violations of Bureau regulations. However, when staff witnesses or has a reasonable belief that a violation of Bureau regulations has been committed by an inmate, and when staff considers informal resolution of the incident inappropriate or unsuccessful, staff shall prepare an Incident Report and promptly forward it to the appropriate Lieutenant. Except for prohibited acts in the Greatest or High Severity Category, the Lieutenant may informally dispose of the Incident Report or forward the Incident Report for investigation consistent with this section. The Lieutenant shall expunge the inmate's file of the Incident Report if informal resolution is accomplished. Only the DHO may make a final disposition on a prohibited act in the Greatest Severity Category or on a prohibited act in the High Category (when the High Category prohibited act has been committed by a VCCLEA inmate rated as violent or by a PLRA inmate).

(b) Investigation. Staff shall conduct the investigation promptly unless circumstances beyond the control of the investigator intervene.

(1) When it appears likely that the incident may be the subject of criminal prosecution, the investigating officer shall suspend the investigation, and staff may not question the inmate until the Federal Bureau of Investigation or other investigative agency interviews have been completed or until the agency responsible for the criminal investigation advises that staff questioning may occur.

(2) The inmate may receive a copy of the Incident Report prior to being seen by the investigating agency. The investigating officer (Bureau of Prisons) shall give the inmate a copy of the Incident Report at the beginning of the investigation, unless there is good cause for delivery at a later date, such as absence of the inmate from the institution or a medical condition which argues against delivery. If the investigation is delayed for any reason, any employee may deliver the charge(s) to the inmate. The staff member shall note the date and time the inmate received a copy of the Incident Report. The investigator shall also read the charge(s) to the inmate and ask for the inmate's statement concerning the incident unless it appears likely that the incident may be the subject of criminal prosecution. The investigator shall advise the inmate of the right to remain silent at all stages of the disciplinary process but that the inmate's silence may be used to draw an adverse inference against the inmate at any stage of the institutional disciplinary process. The investigator shall also inform the inmate that the inmate's silence alone may not be used to support a finding that the inmate has committed a prohibited act. The investigator shall then thoroughly investigate the incident. The investigator shall record all steps and actions taken on the Incident Report and forward all relevant material to the staff holding the initial hearing. The inmate does not receive a copy of the investigation. However, if the case is ultimately forwarded to the Discipline Hearing Officer, the DHO shall give a copy of the investigation and other relevant materials to the inmate's staff representative for use in presentation on the inmate's behalf.

[53 FR 197, Jan. 5, 1988, as amended at 62 FR 50791, Sept. 26, 1997]

§ 541.15   Initial hearing.

The Warden shall delegate to one or more institution staff members the authority and duty to hold an initial hearing upon completion of the investigation. In order to ensure impartiality, the appropriate staff member(s) (hereinafter usually referred to as the Unit Discipline Committee (UDC)) may not be the reporting or investigating officer or a witness to the incident, or play any significant part in having the charges referred to the UDC. However, a staff member witnessing an incident may serve on the UDC where virtually every staff member in the institution witnesses the incident in whole or in part. If the UDC finds at the initial hearing that an inmate has committed a prohibited act, the UDC may impose minor dispositions and sanctions. When an alleged violation of Bureau rules is serious and warrants consideration for other than minor sanctions, the UDC shall refer the charges to the Discipline Hearing Officer for further hearing. The UDC must refer all greatest category charges to the DHO. The following minimum standards apply to initial hearings in all institutions.

(a) Staff shall give each inmate charged with violating a Bureau rule a written copy of the charge(s) against the inmate, ordinarily within 24 hours of the time staff became aware of the inmate's involvement in the incident.

(b) Each inmate so charged is entitled to an initial hearing before the UDC, ordinarily held within three work days from the time staff became aware of the inmate's involvement in the incident. This three work day period excludes the day staff became aware of the inmate's involvement in the incident, weekends, and holidays.

(c) The inmate is entitled to be present at the initial hearing except during deliberations of the decision maker(s) or when institutional security would be jeopardized by the inmate's presence. The UDC shall clearly document in the record of the hearing reasons for excluding an inmate from the hearing. An inmate may waive the right to be present at this hearing provided that the waiver is documented by staff and reviewed by the UDC. A waiver may be in writing, signed by the inmate, or if the inmate refuses to sign a waiver, it shall be shown by a memorandum signed by staff and witnessed by a second staff member indicating the inmate's refusal to appear at the hearing. The UDC may conduct a hearing in the absence of an inmate when the inmate waives the right to appear. When an inmate escapes or is otherwise absent from custody, the UDC shall conduct a hearing in the inmate's absence at the institution in which the inmate was last confined.

(d) The inmate is entitled to make a statement and to present documentary evidence in the inmate's own behalf.

(e) The Unit Discipline Committee may drop or informally resolve any Moderate or Low Moderate charge. The UDC shall expunge the inmate's file of the Incident Report if informal resolution is accomplished.

(f) The Unit Discipline Committee shall consider all evidence presented at the hearing and shall make a decision based on at least some facts, and if there is conflicting evidence, it must be based on the greater weight of the evidence. The UDC shall take one of the following actions:

(1) Find that the inmate committed the prohibited act charged and/or a similar prohibited act if reflected in the Incident Report;

(2) Find that the inmate did not commit the prohibited act charged or a similar prohibited act if reflected in the Incident Report; or

(3) Refer the case to the DHO for further hearing:

The UDC shall give the inmate a written copy of the decision and disposition by the close of business the next work day. Any action taken as a minor disposition is reviewable under the Administration Remedy Procedure (see part 542 of this chapter).

(g) The UDC shall prepare a record of its proceedings which need not be verbatim. A record of the hearing and supporting documents are kept in the inmate's file.

(h) When an alleged violation of Bureau rules is serious and warrants consideration for other than minor sanctions (G through P), the UDC shall refer the charge(s) without indication of findings as to commission of the alleged violation to the Discipline Hearing Officer (DHO) for hearing and disposition. The UDC shall forward copies of all relevant documents to the DHO with a brief statement of reasons for the referral along with any recommendations for appropriate disposition if the DHO finds the inmate has committed the act charged and/or a similar prohibited act. The inmate whose charge is being referred to the Discipline Hearing Officer may be retained in administrative detention or other restricted status, but the UDC may not impose a final disposition if the matter is being referred to the DHO.

(i) When charges are to be referred to the Discipline Hearing Officer, the UDC shall advise the inmate of the rights afforded at a hearing before the DHO. The UDC shall ask the inmate to indicate a choice of staff representative, if any, and the names of any witnesses the inmate wishes to be called to testify at the hearing and what testimony they are expected to provide. The UDC shall advise the inmate that the inmate may waive the right to be present at the Institution Discipline hearing, but still elect to have witnesses and/or a staff representative appear in the inmate's behalf at this hearing.

(j) When the Unit Discipline Committee holds a full hearing and determines that the inmate did not commit a prohibited act of High, Moderate or Low Moderate Severity, the UDC shall expunge the inmate's file of the Incident Report and related documents. The UDC must refer to the Discipline Hearing Officer all incidents involving prohibited acts of Greatest Severity.

(k) The UDC may extend time limits imposed in this section for a good cause shown by the inmate or staff and documented in the record of the hearing.

§ 541.16   Establishment and functioning of the Discipline Hearing Officer.

(a) Each Bureau of Prison institution shall have an independent hearing officer (DHO) assigned to conduct administrative fact-finding hearings covering alleged acts of misconduct and violations of prohibited acts, including those acts which could result in criminal charges. In the event of a serious disturbance or other emergency, of if an inmate commits an offense in the presence of the DHO, an alternate Discipline Hearing Officer will be appointed to conduct hearings with approval of the appropriate Regional Director. If the institution's DHO is not able to conduct hearings, the Warden shall arrange for another DHO to conduct the hearings. This person must be trained and certified as a DHO, and meet the other requirements for DHO.

(b) In order to insure impartiality, the DHO may not be the reporting officer, investigating officer, or UDC member, or a witness to the incident or play any significant part in having the charge(s) referred to the DHO.

(c) The Discipline Hearing Officer shall conduct hearings, make findings, and impose appropriate sanctions for incidents of inmate miscounduct referred for disposition following the hearing required by §541.15 before the UDC. The DHO may not hear any case or impose any sanctions in a case not heard and referred by the UDC. Only the Discipline Hearing Officer shall have the authority to impose or suspend sanctions A through F.

(d) The Warden at each institution shall designate a staff member, hereinafter called the Segregation Review Official (SRO), to conduct reviews of inmates placed in disciplinary segregation and administrative detention in accordance with the requirements of §541.20 and §541.22.

§ 541.17   Procedures before the Discipline Hearing Officer.

The Discipline Hearing Officer shall proceed as follows:

(a) The Warden shall give an inmate advance written notice of the charge(s) against the inmate no less than 24 hours before the inmate's appearance before the Discipline Hearing Officer unless the inmate is to be released from custody within that time. An inmate may waive in writing the 24-hour notice requirement.

(b) The Warden shall provide an inmate the service of a full time staff member to represent the inmate at the hearing before the Discipline Hearing Officer should the inmate so desire. The Warden, the DHO or alternate DHO, the reporting officer, investigating officer, a witness to the incident, and UDC members involved in the case may not act as staff representative. The Warden may exclude staff from acting as staff representative in a particular case when there is a potential conflict in roles. The staff representative shall be available to assist the inmate if the inmate desires by speaking to witnesses and by presenting favorable evidence to the DHO on the merits of the charge(s) or in extenuation or mitigation of the charge(s). The DHO shall arrange for the presence of the staff representative selected by the inmate. If the staff member selected declines or is unavailable because of absence from the institution, the inmate has the option of selecting another representative, or in the case of an absent staff member of waiting a reasonable period for the staff member's return, or of proceeding without a staff representative. When several staff members decline this role, the Warden shall promptly appoint a staff representative to assist the inmate. The DHO shall afford a staff representative adequate time to speak with the inmate and interview requested witnesses where appropriate. While it is expected that a staff member will have had ample time to prepare prior to the hearing, delays in the hearing to allow for adequate preparation may be ordered by the Discipline Hearing Officer. When it appears that the inmate is not able to properly make a presentation on his own behalf (for example, an illiterate inmate), the Warden shall appoint a staff representative for the inmate, even if one is not requested.

(c) The inmate is entitled to make a statement and to present documentary evidence in the inmate's own behalf. An inmate has the right to submit names of requested witnesses and have them called to testify and to present documents in the inmate's behalf, provided the calling of witnesses or the disclosure of documentary evidence does not jeopardize or threaten institutional or an individual's security. The DHO shall call those witnesses who have information directly relevant to the charge(s) and who are reasonably available. This may include witnesses from outside of the institution. The inmate charged may be excluded during the appearance of an outside witness. The appearance of the outside witness should be in an area of the institution in which outside visitors are usually allowed. The DHO need not call repetitive witnesses. The reporting officer and other adverse witnesses need not be called if their knowledge of the incident is adequately summarized in the Incident Report and other investigative materials supplied to the DHO. The DHO shall request submission of written statements from unavailable witnesses who have information directly relevant to the charge(s). The DHO shall document reasons for declining to call requested witnesses in the DHO report, or, if the reasons are confidential, in a separate report, not available to the inmate. The inmate's staff representative, or when the inmate waives staff representation, the DHO, shall question witnesses requested by the inmate who are called before the DHO. The inmate who has waived staff representation may submit questions for requested witnesses in writing to the DHO. The inmate may not question any witness at the hearing.

(d) An inmate has the right to be present throughout the DHO hearing except during a period of deliberation or when institutional security would be jeopardized. The DHO must document in the record the reason(s) for excluding an inmate from the hearing. An inmate may waive the right to be present at the hearing, provided that the waiver is documented by staff and reviewed by the DHO. A waiver may be in writing, signed by the inmate, or if the inmate refuses to sign a waiver, it shall be shown by a memorandum signed by staff and witnessed by a second staff member indicating the inmate's refusal to appear at the hearing. The DHO may conduct a hearing in the absence of an inmate when the inmate waives the right to appear. When an inmate escapes or is otherwise absent from custody, the Discipline Hearing Officer shall conduct a hearing in the inmate's absence at the institution in which the inmate was last confined. When an inmate returns to custody following absence during which sanctions were imposed by the DHO (or the predecessor Institution Discipline Committee (IDC)), the Warden shall have the charges reheard before the Discipline Hearing Officer ordinarily within 60 days after the inmate's arrival at the institution to which the inmate is designated after return to custody, and following appearance before the Unit Discipline Committee at that institution. The UDC shall ensure that the inmate has all rights required for appearance before the Discipline Hearing Officer, including delivery of charge(s), advisement of the right to remain silent and other rights to be exercised before the Discipline Hearing Officer. All the applicable procedural requirements for hearings before the Discipline Hearing Officer apply to this rehearing, except that written statements of witnesses not readily available may be liberally used instead of in-person witnesses. The DHO upon rehearing may affirm the earlier action taken, may dismiss the charge(s), may modify the finding of the original DHO as to the offense which was committed, or may modify but may not increase the sanctions previously imposed in the inmate's absence.

(e) The DHO may refer the case back to the UDC for further information or disposition. The DHO may postpone or, at any time prior to making a decision as to whether or not a prohibited act was committed, may continue the hearing until a later date whenever further investigation or more evidence is needed. A postponement or continuance must be for good cause (determined by the DHO) shown by the inmate or staff and should be documented in the record of the hearing.

(f) The DHO shall consider all evidence presented at the hearing. The decision of the DHO shall be based on at least some facts, and if there is conflicting evidence, it must be based on the greater weight of the evidence. The DHO shall find that the inmate either:

(1) Committed the prohibited act charged and/or a similar prohibited act if reflected in the Incident Report; or

(2) Did not commit the prohibited act charged or a similar prohibited act if reflected in the Incident Report.

When a disciplinary decision is based on confidential informant information, the UDC or DHO shall document, ordinarily in the hearing report, the finding as to the reliability of each confidential informant relied on and the factual basis for that finding. When it appears that this documentation in the report would reveal the confidential informant's identity, the finding as to the reliability of each confidential informant relied on and the factual basis for that finding shall be made part of the hearing record in a separate report, prepared by the UDC chairman or DHO, not available to the inmate.

(g) The Discipline Hearing Officer shall prepare a record of the proceedings which need not be verbatim. This record must be sufficient to document the advisement of inmate rights, the DHO's findings, the DHO's decision and the specific evidence relied on by the DHO, and must include a brief statement of the reasons for the sanctions imposed. The evidence relied upon, the decision, and the reasons for the actions taken must be set out in specific terms unless doing so would jeopardize institutional security. The DHO shall give the inmate a written copy of the decisions and disposition, ordinarily within 10 days of the DHO's decision.

(h) A record of the hearing and supporting documents are to be kept in the inmate central file.

(i) The Discipline Hearing Officer shall expunge an inmate's file of the Incident Report and related documents following a DHO finding that the inmate did not commit a prohibited act. The requirement for expunging the inmate's file does not preclude maintaining for research purposes copies of disciplinary actions resulting in “not guilty” findings in a master file separate from the inmate's institution file. However, institution staff may not use or allow the use of the contents of this master file in a manner which would adversely affect the inmate. Likewise, the expungement requirement does not require the destruction of medical reports or other reports relating to a particular inmate which must be maintained to document medical or other treatment given in a special housing unit. If an inmate's conduct during one continuous incident may constitute more than one prohibited act, and if the incident is reported in a single Incident Report, and if the DHO finds the inmate has not committed every prohibited act charged, or if the DHO finds that the inmate has committed a prohibited act(s) other than the act(s) charged, then the DHO shall record those findings clearly and shall change the Incident Report to show only the incident and code references to charges which were proved. Institution staff may not use the existence of charged but unproved misconduct against the inmate.

§ 541.18   Dispositions of the Discipline Hearing Officer.

The Discipline Hearing Officer has available a broad range of sanctions and dispositions following completion of the hearing. The Discipline Hearing Officer may do any of the following:

(a) Dismiss any charge(s) upon a finding that the inmate did not commit the prohibited act(s). The DHO shall order the record of charge(s) expunged upon such finding.

(b) Impose any of sanctions A through P as provided in §541.13.

(c) Suspend the execution of a sanction it imposes as provided in §541.13.

§ 541.19   Appeals from Unit Discipline Committee or Discipline Hearing Officer actions.

At the time the Unit Discipline Committee or Discipline Hearing Officer gives an inmate written notice of its decision, the UDC or DHO shall also advise the inmate that the inmate may appeal the decision under Administrative Remedy Procedures (see part 542 of this chapter). An inmate's initial appeal of a decision of the DHO should be filed directly to the appropriate Regional Office. The inmate should forward a copy of the DHO report or, if not available at the time of filing, should state in his appeal the date of the DHO hearing and the nature of the charges against the inmate. On appeals, the appropriate reviewing official (the Warden, Regional Director, or General Counsel) may approve, modify, reverse, or send back with directions, including ordering a rehearing, any disciplinary action of the Unit Discipline Committee or Discipline Hearing Officer but may not increase any valid sanction imposed. On appeals, the appropriate reviewing authority shall consider:

(a) Whether the Unit Discipline Committee or the Discipline Hearing Officer substantially complied with the regulations on inmate discipline;

(b) Whether the Unit Discipline Committee or Discipline Hearing Officer based its decision on some facts, and if there was conflicting evidence, whether the decision was based on the greater weight of the evidence; and

(c) Whether an appropriate sanction was imposed according to the severity level of the prohibited act, and other relevant circumstances.

§ 541.20   Justification for placement in disciplinary segregation and review of inmates in disciplinary segregation.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, an inmate may be placed in disciplinary segregation only by order of the Discipline Hearing Officer following a hearing in which the inmate has been found to have committed a prohibited act in the Greatest, High, or Moderate Category, or a repeated offense in the Low Moderate Category. The DHO may order placement in disciplinary segregation only when other available dispositions are inadequate to achieve the purpose of punishment and deterrence necessary to regulate an inmate's behavior within acceptable limits.

(b) The Warden may temporarily (not exceeding five days) move an inmate to a more secure cell (which may be in an area ordinarily set aside for disciplinary segregation and which therefore requires the withdrawal of privileges ordinarily afforded in administrative detention status, until a hearing before the DHO can be held) who (1) is causing a serious disruption (threatening life, serious bodily harm, or property) in administrative detention, (2) cannot be controlled within the physical confines of administrative detention, and (3) upon advice of appropriate medical staff, does not require confinement in the institution hospital for mental or physical treatment, or who would ordinarily be housed in the institution hospital for mental or physical treatment, but who cannot safely be housed there because the hospital does not have a room or cell with adequate security provisions. The Warden may delegate this authority no further than to the official in charge of the institution at the time the move is necessary.

(c) The Segregation Review Official (SRO) (see §541.16(d)) shall conduct a hearing and formally review the status of each inmate who spends seven continuous days in disciplinary segregation and thereafter shall review these cases on the record in the inmate's absence each week and shall conduct a hearing and formally review these cases at least once every 30 days. The inmate appears before the SRO at the 30-day hearings, unless the inmate waives the right to appear. A waiver may be in writing, signed by the inmate, or if the inmate refuses to sign a waiver, it shall be shown by a memorandum signed by staff and witnessed by a second staff member indicating the inmate's refusal to appear at the hearing. Staff shall conduct a psychiatric or psychological assessment, including a personal interview, when disciplinary segregation continues beyond 30 days. The assessment, submitted to the SRO in a written report, shall address the inmate's adjustment to surroundings and the threat the inmate poses to self, staff and other inmates. Staff shall conduct a similar psychiatric or psychological assessment and report at subsequent one-month intervals if segregation continues for this extended period.

(d) The Segregation Review Official may release an inmate from disciplinary segregation earlier than the sanction initially imposed upon finding that continuation in disciplinary segregation is no longer necessary to regulate the inmate's behavior within acceptable limits or for fulfilling the purpose of punishment and deterrence which initially resulted in the inmate's placement in disciplinary segregation status. The SRO may not increase any previously imposed sanction.

§ 541.21   Conditions of disciplinary segregation.

(a) Disciplinary segregation is the status of confinement of an inmate housed in a special housing unit in a cell either alone or with other inmates, separated from the general population. Inmates housed in disciplinary segregation have significantly fewer privileges than those housed in administrative detention.

(b) The Warden shall maintain for each segregated inmate basic living levels of decency and humane treatment, regardless of the purpose for which the inmate has been segregated. Living conditions may not be modified for the purpose of reinforcing acceptable behavior and different levels of living arrangements will not be established. Where it is determined necessary to deprive an inmate of a usually authorized item, staff shall prepare written documentation as to the basis for this action, and this document will be signed by the Warden, indicating the Warden's review and approval.

(c) The basic living standards for segregation are as follows:

(1) Segregation conditions. The quarters used for segregation must be well-ventilated, adequately lighted, appropriately heated and maintained in a sanitary condition at all times. All cells must be equipped with beds. Strip cells may not be a part of the segregation unit. Any strip cells which are utilized must be a part of the medical facility and under the supervision and control of the medical staff.

(2) Cell occupancy. The number of inmates confined to each cell or room in segregation should not exceed the number for which the space was designated. The Warden may approve excess occupancy if the Warden finds there is a pressing need for this action, and that other basic living standards of this subsection can still be maintained.

(3) Clothing and bedding. An inmate in segregation may wear normal institution clothing but may not have a belt. Staff shall furnish a mattress and bedding. Cloth or paper slippers may be substituted for shoes at the discretion of the Warden. An inmate may not be segregated without clothing, mattress, blankets and pillow, except when prescribed by the medical officer for medical or psychiatric reasons. Inmates in special housing status will be provided, as nearly as practicable, the same opportunity for the issue and exchange of clothing, bedding, and linen, and for laundry as inmates in the general population. Exceptions to this procedure may be permitted only when found necessary by the Warden or designee. An exception, and the reasons for this, must be recorded in the unit log.

(4) Food. Staff shall give a segregated inmate nutritionally adequate meals, ordinarily from the menu of the day for the institution. Staff may dispense disposable utensils when necessary.

(5) Personal hygiene. Segregated inmates shall have the opportunity to maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene. Staff shall provide toilet tissue, wash basin, tooth brush, eyeglasses, shaving utensils, etc., as needed. Staff may issue a retrievable kit of toilet articles. Each segregated inmate shall have the opportunity to shower and shave at least three times a week, unless these procedures would present an undue security hazard. This security hazard will be documented and signed by the Warden, indicating the Warden's review and approval. Inmates in special housing will be provided, where practicable, barbering and hair care services. Exceptions to this procedure may be permitted only when found necessary by the Warden or designee.

(6) Exercise. Staff shall permit each segregated inmate no less than five hours exercise each week. Exercise should be provided in five one-hour periods, on five different days, but if circumstances require, one-half hour periods are acceptable if the five-hour minimum and different days schedule is maintained. These provisions must be carried out unless compelling security or safety reasons dictate otherwise. Institution staff shall document these reasons. Exercise periods, not to exceed one week, may be withheld from an inmate by order of the Warden, following a hearing, and recommendation, before a person certified in the discipline hearing officer procedures. This hearing must be held in accordance with the provisions of §541.17, following those provisions which are appropriate to these circumstances, and only upon a finding by the person conducting the hearing that the actions of the segregated inmate pose a threat to the safety or health conditions of the unit.

(7) Personal property. Institution staff shall ordinarily impound personal property.

(8) Reading material. Staff shall provide a reasonable amount of non-legal reading material, not to exceed five books per inmate at any one time, on a circulating basis. Staff shall provide the inmate opportunity to possess religious scriptures of the inmate's faith. As to legal materials, see part 543, subpart B.

(9) Supervision. In addition to the direct supervision afforded by the unit officer, a member of the medical department and one or more responsible officers designated by the Warden (ordinarily a Lieutenant) shall see each segregated inmate daily, including weekends and holidays. Members of the program staff, including unit staff, shall arrange to visit inmates in special housing within a reasonable time after receiving the inmate's request.

(10) Correspondence and visits. As to correspondence privileges, see part 540, subpart B. Staff shall make reasonable effort to notify approved social visitors of any necessary restriction on ordinary visiting procedures so that they may be spared disappointment and unnecessary inconvenience. If ample time for correspondence exists, staff may place the burden of this notification to visitors on the inmate. As to general visiting and telephone privileges, see part 540, subpart D and subpart I. In respect to legal, religious, and privileged out-going mail, the relevant regulations must be followed by institution staff (see parts 540, 543, and 548 of this chapter).

§ 541.22   Administrative detention.

Administrative detention is the status of confinement of an inmate in a special housing unit in a cell either by self or with other inmates which serves to remove the inmate from the general population.

(a) Placement in administrative detention. The Warden may delegate authority to place an inmate in administrative detention to Lieutenants. Prior to the inmate's placement in administrative detention, the Lieutenant is to review the available information and determine whether the inmate's placement in administrative detention is warranted. The Warden may place an inmate in administrative detention when the inmate is in holdover status (i.e., en route to a designated institution) during transfer, or is a new commitment pending classification. The Warden may also place an inmate in administrative detention when the inmate's continued presence in the general population poses a serious threat to life, property, self, staff, other inmates or to the security or orderly running of the institution and when the inmate:

(1) Is pending a hearing for a violation of Bureau regulations;

(2) Is pending an investigation of a violation of Bureau regulations;

(3) Is pending investigation or trial for a criminal act;

(4) Is pending transfer;

(5) Requests admission to administrative detention for the inmate's own protection, or staff determines that admission to or continuation in administrative detention is necessary for the inmate's own protection (see §541.23); or

(6) Is terminating confinement in disciplinary segregation and placement in general population is not prudent. The Segregation Review Official is to advise the inmate of this determination and the reasons for such action.

(i) Except for pretrial inmates or inmates in a control unit program, staff ordinarily within 90 days of an inmate's placement in post-disciplinary detention shall either return the inmate to the general inmate population or request regional level assistance to effect a transfer to a more suitable institution.

(ii) The Assistant Director, Correctional Programs Division, shall review for purpose of making a disposition, the case of an inmate not transferred from post-disciplinary detention within the time frame specified in paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section.

(iii) Staff in a control unit will attempt to adhere to the 90-day limit for an inmate's placement in post-disciplinary detention. Because security needs required for an inmate in a control unit program may not be available outside of post-discipline detention, the Warden may approve an extension of this placement upon determining in writing that it is not practicable to release the inmate to the general inmate population or to effect a transfer to a more suitable institution.

(iv) The appropriate Regional Director and the Assistant Director, Correctional Programs Division, shall review (for purpose of making a disposition) the case of an inmate in a control unit program not transferred from post-disciplinary detention within the 90-day time frame specified in paragraph (a)(6)(iii) of this section. A similar, subsequent review shall be conducted every 60–90 days if post-disciplinary detention continues for this extended period.

(b) Administrative detention order detailing reasons for placement. The Warden shall prepare an administrative detention order detailing the reasons for placing an inmate in administrative detention, with a copy given to the inmate, provided institutional security is not compromised thereby. Staff shall deliver this order to the inmate within 24 hours of the inmate's placement in administrative detention, unless this delivery is precluded by exceptional circumstances. An order is not necessary for an inmate placed in administrative detention when this placement is a direct result of the inmate's holdover status.

(c) Review of inmates housed in administrative detention. (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this section, the Segregation Review Official will review the status of inmates housed in administrative detention. The SRO shall conduct a record review within three work days of the inmate's placement in administrative detention and shall hold a hearing and formally review the status of each inmate who spends seven continuous days in administrative detention, and thereafter shall review these cases on the record (in the inmate's absence) each week, and shall hold a hearing and review these cases formally at least every 30 days. The inmate appears before the SRO at the hearing unless the inmate waives the right to appear. A waiver may be in writing, signed by the inmate, or if the inmate refuses to sign a waiver, it shall be shown by a memorandum signed by staff and witnessed by a second staff member indicating the inmate's refusal to appear at the hearing. Staff shall conduct a psychiatric or psychological assessment, including a personal interview, when administrative detention continues beyond 30 days. The assessment, submitted to the SRO in a written report, shall address the inmate's adjustment to surroundings and the threat the inmate poses to self, staff and other inmates. Staff shall conduct a similar psychiatric or psychological assessment and report at subsequent one-month intervals should detention continue for this extended period. Administrative detention is to be used only for short periods of time except where an inmate needs long-term protection (see §541.23), or where there are exceptional circumstances, ordinarily tied to security or complex investigative concerns. An inmate may be kept in administrative detention for longer term protection only if the need for such protection is documented by the SRO. Provided institutional security is not compromised, the inmate shall receive at each formal review a written copy of the SRO's decision and the basis for this finding. The SRO shall release an inmate from administrative detention when reasons for placement cease to exist.

(2) The Warden shall designate appropriate staff to meet weekly with an inmate in administrative detention when this placement is a direct result of the inmate's holdover status. Staff shall also review this type of case on the record each week.

(3) When an inmate is placed in administrative detention for protection, but not at that inmate's request, the Warden or designee is to review the inmate's status within two work days of this placement to determine if continued protective custody is necessary. A formal hearing is to be held within seven days of the inmate's placement (see §541.23, Protection Cases).

(d) Conditions of administrative detention. The basic level of conditions as described in §541.21(c) for disciplinary segregation also apply to administrative detention. If consistent with available resources and the security needs of the unit, the Warden shall give an inmate housed in administrative detention the same general privileges given to inmates in the general population. This includes, but is not limited to, providing an inmate with the opportunity for participation in an education program, library services, social services, counseling, religious guidance and recreation. Unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary, institutions shall provide commissary privileges and reasonable amounts of personal property. An inmate in administrative detention shall be permitted to have a radio, provided that the radio is equipped with ear plugs. Exercise periods, at a minimum, will meet the level established for disciplinary segregation and will exceed this level where resources are available. The Warden shall give an inmate in administrative detention visiting, telephone, and correspondence privileges in accordance with part 540 of this chapter. The Warden may restrict for reasons of security, fire safety, or housekeeping the amount of personal property that an inmate may retain while in administrative detention.

[53 FR 197, Jan. 5, 1988, as amended at 56 FR 4159, Feb. 1, 1991; 56 FR 31530, July 10, 1991; 57 FR 23260, June 2, 1992; 61 FR 47795, Sept. 10, 1996]

§ 541.23   Protection cases.

(a) Staff may consider the following categories of inmates as protection cases:

(1) Victims of inmate assaults;

(2) Inmate informants;

(3) Inmates who have received inmate pressure to participate in sexual activity;

(4) Inmates who seek protection through detention, claiming to be former law enforcement officers, informants, or others in sensitive law enforcement positions, whether or not there is official information to verify the claim;

(5) Inmates who have previously served as inmate gun guards, dog caretakers, or in similar positions in state or local correctional facilities;

(6) Inmates who refuse to enter the general population because of alleged pressures from other unidentified inmates;

(7) Inmates who will not provide, and as to whom staff cannot determine, the reason for refusal to return to the general population; and

(8) Inmates about whom staff has good reason to believe the inmate is in serious danger of bodily harm.

(b) Inmates who are placed in administrative detention for protection, but not at their own request or beyond the time when they feel they need to be detained for their own protection, are entitled to a hearing, no later than seven days from the time of their admission (or from the time of their detention beyond their own consent). This hearing is conducted in accordance with the procedural requirements of §541.17, as to advance written notice, staff representation, right to make a statement and present documentary evidence, to request witnesses, to be present throughout the hearing, and advance advisement of inmate rights at the hearing, and as to making a record of the proceedings.

(c) Ordinarily, staff may place an inmate in administrative detention as provided in paragraph (a) of this rule relating to protection cases, for a period not to exceed 90 days. Staff shall clearly document in the record the reasons for any extension beyond this 90-day period.

(d) Where appropriate, staff shall first attempt to place the inmate in the general population of their particular facility. Where inappropriate, staff shall clearly document the reason(s) and refer the case, with all relevant material, to their Regional Director, who, upon review of the material, may order the transfer of a protection case.

Subpart C [Reserved]
Subpart D—Control Unit Programs

Source:  49 FR 32991, Aug. 17, 1984, unless otherwise noted.

§ 541.40   Purpose and scope.

(a) In an effort to maintain a safe and orderly environment within its institutions, the Bureau of Prisons operates control unit programs intended to place into a separate unit those inmates who are unable to function in a less restrictive environment without being a threat to others or to the orderly operation of the institution. The Bureau of Prisons provides written criteria for the:

(1) Referral of an inmate for possible placement within a control unit;

(2) Selection of an inmate for placement within a control unit;

(3) Regular review of an inmate while housed in a control unit; and

(4) Release of an inmate from a control unit.

(b) The Bureau of Prisons provides an inmate confined within a control unit the opportunity to participate in programs and activities restricted as necessary to protect the security, good order, or discipline of the unit.

§ 541.41   Institutional referral.

(a) The Warden shall submit a recommendation for referral of an inmate for placement in a control unit to the Regional Director in the region where the inmate is located.

(b) The Warden shall consider the following factors in a recommendation for control unit placement.

(1) Any incident during confinement in which the inmate has caused injury to other persons.

(2) Any incident in which the inmate has expressed threats to the life or well-being of other persons.

(3) Any incident involving possession by the inmate of deadly weapons or dangerous drugs.

(4) Any incident in which the inmate is involved in a disruption of the orderly operation of a prison, jail or other correctional institution.

(5) An escape from a correctional institution.

(6) An escape attempt. Depending on the circumstances, an escape attempt, considered alone or together with an inmate's prior history, may warrant consideration for a control unit placement.

(7) The nature of the offense for which committed. An inmate may not be considered solely on the nature of the crime which resulted in that inmate's incarceration; however, the nature of the crime may be considered in combination with other factor(s) as described in paragraph (b) of this section.

(c) The Warden may not refer an inmate for placement in a control unit:

(1) If the inmate shows evidence of significant mental disorder or major physical disabilities as documented in a mental health evaluation or a physical examination;

(2) On the basis that the inmate is a protection case, e.g., a homosexual, an informant, etc., unless the inmate meets other criteria as described in paragraph (b) of this section.

§ 541.42   Designation of Hearing Administrator.

(a) The Regional Director in the region where the inmate is located shall review the institution's recommendation for referral of an inmate for placement in a control unit. If the Regional Director concurs with the recommendation, the Regional Director shall forward a written request, together with the institution's referral material, to the Regional Director of the region where the control unit is located. The Regional Director of the region where the control unit is located shall designate a person in the Regional Office to review the referral material and to conduct a hearing on the appropriateness of an inmate's placement in a control unit.

(b) The Hearing Administrator shall have the following qualifications:

(1) Correctional experience, including institutional work with inmates, processing of inmate disciplinary actions, significant institutional experience in observing and evaluating inmate adjustment and disruptive behavior, and knowledge of the options available in the Bureau of Prisons for dealing with such conduct;

(2) Lack of former personal involvement in an Institution Discipline Committee action involving the particular inmate in incident(s) referred; and

(3) Familiarity with Bureau of Prisons policies and operations, including the criteria for placement of inmates in different institutions and in a control unit.

§ 541.43   Hearing procedure.

(a) The Hearing Administrator shall provide a hearing to an inmate recommended for placement in a control unit. The hearing ordinarily shall take place at the recommending or sending institution.

(b) The hearing shall proceed as follows.

(1) Staff shall provide an inmate with an advance written notice of the hearing and a copy of this rule at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. The notice will advise the inmate of the specific act(s) or other evidence which forms the basis for a recommendation that the inmate be transferred to a control unit, unless such evidence would likely endanger staff or others. If an inmate is illiterate, staff shall explain the notice and this rule to the inmate and document that this explanation has occurred.

(2) The Hearing Administrator shall provide an inmate the service of a full-time staff member to represent the inmate, if the inmate so desires. The Hearing Administrator shall document in the record of the hearing an inmate's request for, or refusal of staff representation. The inmate may select a staff representative from the local institution. If the selected staff member declines or is unavailable, the inmate has the option of selecting another representative or, in the case of an absent staff member, of waiting a reasonable period (determined by the Hearing Administrator) for the staff member's return, or of proceeding without a staff representative. When an inmate is illiterate, the Warden shall provide a staff representative. The staff representative shall be available to assist the inmate and, if the inmate desires, shall contact witnesses and present favorable evidence at the hearing. The Hearing Administrator shall afford the staff representative adequate time to speak with the inmate and to interview available witnesses.

(3) The inmate has the right to be present throughout the hearing, except where institutional security or good order is jeopardized. The Hearing Administrator may conduct a hearing in the absence of the inmate when the inmate refuses to appear. The Hearing Administrator shall document an inmate's refusal to appear, or other reason for non-appearance, in the record of the hearing.

(4) The inmate is entitled to present documentary evidence and to have witnesses appear, provided that calling witnesses would not jeopardize or threaten institutional security or individual safety, and further provided that the witnesses are available at the institution where the hearing is being conducted.

(i) The evidence to be presented must be material and relevant to the issue as to whether the inmate can and would function in a general prison population without being or posing a threat to staff or others or to the orderly operation of the institution. The Hearing Administrator may not consider an attempt to reverse or repeal a prior finding of a disciplinary violation.

(ii) Repetitive witnesses need not be called. Staff who recommend placement in a control unit are not required to appear, provided their recommendation is fully explained in the record. Staff who were involved, in any capacity, in former disciplinary proceedings need not be called as to their involvement in those proceedings, since this hearing is not to go over the factual basis for prior actions which have been decided.

(iii) When a witness is not available within the institution, or not permitted to appear, the inmate may submit a written statement by that witness. The Hearing Administrator shall, upon the inmate's request, postpone any decision following the hearing for a reasonable time to permit the obtaining and forwarding of written statements.

(iv) The Hearing Administrator shall document in the record of the hearing the reasons for declining to permit a witness or to receive documentary evidence.

§ 541.44   Decision of the Hearing Administrator.

(a) At the conclusion of the hearing and following review of all material related to the recommendation for placement of an inmate in a control unit, the Hearing Administrator shall prepare a written decision as to whether this placement is warranted. The Hearing Administrator shall:

(1) Prepare a summary of the hearing and of all information presented upon which the decision is based; and

(2) Indicate the specific reasons for the decision, to include a description of the act, or series of acts, or evidence on which the decision is based.

(b) The Hearing Administrator shall advise the inmate in writing of the decision. The inmate shall receive the information described in paragraph (a) of this section unless it is determined that the release of this information could pose a threat to individual safety, or institutional security, in which case that limited information may be withheld. The Hearing Administrator shall advise the inmate that the decision will be submitted for review of the Executive Panel. The Hearing Administrator shall advise the inmate that, if the inmate so desires, the inmate may submit an appeal of the Hearing Administrator's decision to the Executive Panel. This appeal, with supporting documentation and reasons, must be filed within five working days of the inmate's receipt of the Hearing Administrator's decision.

(c) The Hearing Administrator shall send the decision, whether for or against placement in a control unit, and supporting documentation to the Executive Panel. Ordinarily this is done within 20 working days after conclusion of the hearing. Any reason for extension is to be documented.

§ 541.45   Executive Panel review and appeal.

The Executive Panel is composed of the Regional Director of the region where a control unit is located to which referral is being considered and the Assistant Director, Correctional Programs Division.

(a) The Executive Panel shall review the decision and supporting documentation of the Hearing Administrator and, if submitted, the information contained in an inmate's appeal. The Panel shall accept or reject the Hearing Administrator's decision within 30 working days of its receipt, unless for good cause there is reason for delay, which shall be documented in the record.

(b) The Executive Panel shall provide a copy of its decision to the Warden at the institution to which the inmate is to be transferred, to the inmate, to the referring Warden and region, and to the Hearing Administrator.

(c) An inmate may appeal a decision of the Executive Panel, through the Administrative Remedy Procedure, directly to the Office of General Counsel, Bureau of Prisons, within 30 calendar days of the inmate's receipt of the Executive Panel's decision.

§ 541.46   Programs and services.

The Warden shall provide the following services to a control unit inmate. These services must be provided unless compelling security or safety reasons dictate otherwise. These reasons will be documented and signed by the Warden, indicating the Warden's review and approval.

(a) Education. The Warden shall assign a member of the education staff to the control unit on at least a part-time basis to assist in developing an educational program to fulfil each inmate's academic needs. The education staff member is ordinarily a member of the control unit team.

(b) Work assignments. Staff may assign inmates to a work assignment, such as range orderly. The manner in which these duties are carried out will reflect the inmate's unit adjustment, and will assist staff in evaluating the inmate.

(c) Industries (UNICOR). If an industry program exists in a control unit each inmate participating in this program may earn industrial pay, subject to the regulations of Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (UNICOR). The industry program is supervised by an industry foreman. The control unit team will determine when or if an industry assignment is appropriate for each inmate who submits a request for possible assignment to industries work.

(d) Legal. An inmate assigned to a control unit may use that unit's inmate basic law library, upon request and in rotation. Consistent with security considerations, the law library is to include basic legal reference books, and ordinarily a table and chair, typewriter, paper and carbon. Abuse of materials in the inmate law library (for example, a typewriter) may result in a decision by the Warden to limit the use of legal materials. A decision to limit materials due to abuse must be documented in writing and signed by the Warden.

(e) Recreation. The recreation program in a control unit shall include the following requirements:

(1) Each inmate shall have the opportunity to receive a minimum of seven hours weekly recreation and exercise out of the cell.

(2) Staff shall provide various games and exercise materials as consistent with security considerations and orderly operation of the unit. Inmates who alter or intentionally damage recreation equipment may be deprived of the use of that equipment in the future.

(f) Case management services. The case manager is responsible for all areas of case management. This ordinarily includes preparation of the visiting list, notarizing documents, preparation of various reports, and other case management duties. The case manager is ordinarily a member of the control unit team.

(g) Counselor services. The unit counselor ordinarily handles phone call requests, special concerns and requests of inmates, and requests for administrative remedy forms. The unit counselor is also available for consultation and for counseling as recommended in the mental health evaluation (see paragraph (i) of this section—Mental Health Services).

(h) Medical services. A member of the medical staff shall visit control unit inmates daily. A physician will visit the unit as the need arises.

(i) Mental health services. During the first 30-day period in a control unit, staff shall schedule the control unit inmate for a psychological evaluation conducted by a psychologist. Additional individual evaluations shall occur every 30 days. The psychologist shall perform and/or supervise needed psychological services. Psychiatric services will be provided when necessary. Inmates requiring prescribed psychotropic medication are not ordinarily housed in a control unit.

(j) Religion. Staff shall issue religious materials upon request, limited by security consideration and housekeeping rules in the unit. This material may come from an inmate's personal property or from the chaplain's office. The institutional chaplains shall make at least weekly visits to the control unit. While individual prayer and/or worship is allowed in a control unit, religious assemblies or group meetings are not allowed.

(k) Food service and personal hygiene. Staff shall provide food services and personal hygiene care consistent with the requirements of the current rule regarding Special Housing Units.

(l) Correspondence. Inmates confined in a control unit are provided correspondence privileges in accordance with the Bureau of Prisons' rule on Inmate Correspondence (see 28 CFR part 540).

(m) Visiting. Visits for inmates confined in a control unit are conducted in a controlled visiting area, separated from regular visiting facilities. Staff shall allot a minimum of four hours per month visiting time to a control unit inmate. The number of consecutive hours visiting on a particular day may be limited by the number of visitors waiting to visit. All visitors must be on the inmate's approved visiting list.

(n) Commissary. Staff shall establish a commissary purchase schedule. The amount of money which control unit inmates spend per month is comparable to the spending limitation for inmates residing in the general population. Staff may limit commissary items to ensure the safety and security of the unit.

(o) Personal property. Personal property retained by an inmate in a control unit is to be stored in the space provided. Personal property items shall be limited in number and type to ensure the safety and good order of the unit.

[49 FR 32991, Aug. 17, 1984, as amended at 60 FR 46484, Sept. 6, 1995]

§ 541.47   Admission to control unit.

Staff shall provide an inmate admitted to a control unit with:

(a) Notice of the projected duration of the inmate's confinement in a control unit;

(b) Notice of the type of personal property which is allowable in the unit (items made of glass or metal will not be permitted);

(c) A summary of the guidelines and disciplinary procedures applicable in the unit;

(d) An explanation of the activities in a control unit;

(e) The expectations of the inmate's involvement in control unit activities; and

(f) The criteria for release from the unit, and how those criteria specifically relate to this confinement period in the unit and any specific requirements in the inmate's individual case.

§ 541.48   Search of control unit inmates.

(a) The Warden at an institution housing a control unit may order a digital or simple instrument search for all new admissions to the control unit. The Warden may also order a digital or simple instrument search for any inmate who is returned to the control unit following contact with the public. Authorization for a digital or simple instrument search must be in writing, signed by the Warden, with a copy placed in the inmate central file. The Warden's authority may not be delegated below the level of Acting Warden.

(b) An inmate in a control unit may request in writing that an X-ray be taken in lieu of the digital search discussed in paragraph (a) of this section. The Warden shall approve this request, provided it is determined and stated in writing by the institution's Clinical Director or Acting Clinical Director (may not be further delegated) that the amount of X-ray exposure previously received by the inmate, or anticipated to be given the inmate in the immediate future, does not make the proposed X-ray medically unwise. Staff are to place documentation of the X-ray, and the inmate's signed request for it, in the inmate's central and medical files. The Warden's authority may not be delegated below the level of Acting Warden.

(c) Staff may not conduct a digital or simple instrument search if it is likely to result in physical injury to the inmate. In this situation, the Warden, upon approval of the Regional Director, may authorize the institution physician to order a non-repetitive X-ray for the purpose of determining if contraband is concealed in or on the inmate. The X-ray examination may not be performed if it is determined by the institution physician that such an examination is likely to result in serious or lasting medical injury or harm to the inmate. Staff are to place documentation of the X-ray examination in the inmate's central file and medical file. The authority of the Warden and Regional Director may not be delegated below the level of Acting Warden and Acting Regional Director respectively. If neither a digital or simple instrument search, nor an X-ray examination may be used, the inmate is to be placed in a dry cell until sufficient time has passed to allow excretion.

(d) Staff shall solicit the inmate's written consent prior to conducting a digital or simple instrument search, or, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section, an X-ray examination. However, the inmate's consent is not required.

[50 FR 25662, June 20, 1985, as amended at 60 FR 46484, Sept. 6, 1995]

§ 541.49   Review of control unit placement.

(a) Unit staff shall evaluate informally and daily an inmate's adjustment within the control unit. Once every 30 days, the control unit team, comprised of the control unit manager and other members designated by the Warden (ordinarily to include the officer-in-charge or lieutenant, case manager, and education staff member assigned to the unit), shall meet with an inmate in the control unit. The inmate is required to attend the team meeting in order to be eligible for the previous month's stay in the control unit to be credited towards the projected duration of confinement in that unit. The unit team shall make an assessment of the inmate's progress within the unit and may make a recommendation as to readiness for release after considering the inmate's:

(1) Unit status;

(2) Adjustment; and

(3) Readiness for release from the unit. (See §541.50(a))

(b) The Warden shall serve as the review authority at the institutional level for unit team actions.

(c) An inmate may appeal the Warden's decision to the Executive Panel within five working days of receipt of that decision. The inmate will receive a response to this appeal at the inmate's next appearance before the Executive Panel.

(d) At least once every 60 to 90 days, the Executive Panel shall review the status of an inmate in a control unit to determine the inmate's readiness for release from the Unit. The Executive Panel shall consider those factors specified in §541.50(a), along with any recommendations by the unit team and Warden.

The decision of the Executive Panel is communicated to the inmate. Ordinarily, the inmate is interviewed in person at this review. If the inmate refuses to appear for this review, or if there is other reason for not having an in-person review, this will be documented.

(e) An inmate may appeal a decision of the Executive Panel, through the Administrative Remedy Procedure, directly to the Office of General Counsel, Bureau of Prisons within 30 calendar days from the date of the Executive Panel's response.

[49 FR 32991, Aug. 17, 1984, as amended at 60 FR 46484, Sept. 6, 1995]

§ 541.50   Release from a control unit.

(a) Only the Executive Panel may release an inmate from a control unit. The following factors are considered in the evaluation of an inmate's readiness for release from a control unit:

(1) Relationship with other inmates and staff members, which demonstrates that the inmate is able to function in a less restrictive environment without posing a threat to others or to the orderly operation of the institution;

(2) Involvement in work and recreational activities and assignments;

(3) Adherence to institution guidelines and Bureau of Prisons rules and policy;

(4) Personal grooming and cleanliness; and

(5) Quarters sanitation.

(b) An inmate released from a control unit may be returned:

(1) To the institution from which the inmate was originally transferred;

(2) To another federal or non-federal institution; or

(3) Into the general population of the institution which has a control unit.

[49 FR 32991, Aug. 17, 1984, as amended at 60 FR 46485, Sept. 6, 1995]

Subpart E—Procedures for Handling of HIV Positive Inmates Who Pose Danger to Others

Source:  54 FR 11323, Mar. 17, 1989, unless otherwise noted.

§ 541.60   Purpose and scope.

In an effort to maintain a safe and orderly environment within its institutions, the Bureau of Prisons may place in controlled housing status an inmate who tests HIV positive when there is reliable evidence that the inmate may engage in conduct posing a health risk to another person.

§ 541.61   Standard for placement in controlled housing status.

An inmate may be placed in a controlled housing status when there is reliable evidence causing staff to believe that the inmate engages in conduct posing a health risk to others. This evidence may be the inmate's behavior, or statements of the inmate, or other reliable evidence.

§ 541.62   Referral for placement.

(a) The Warden shall consider an inmate for controlled housing status when the inmate has been confirmed as testing HIV positive and when there is reliable evidence indicating that the inmate may engage in conduct posing a health risk to others. This evidence may come from the statements of the individual, repeated misconduct (including disciplinary actions), or other behavior suggesting that the inmate may engage in predatory or promiscuous sexual behavior, assaultive behavior where body fluids may be transmitted to another, or the sharing of needles.

(b) The Warden shall submit a recommendation for referral of an inmate for placement in a controlled housing status to the Regional Director in the region where the inmate is located.

(c) Based on the perceived health risk to others posed by the inmate's threatened or actual actions, the Warden may, with the telephonic approval of the Regional Director, temporarily (not to exceed 20 work days) place an inmate in a special housing status (e.g., administrative detention, or a secure health service unit room) pending the inmate's appearance before the Hearing Administrator. Reasons for this placement, and the approval of the Regional Director, shall be documented in the inmate central file. The inmate should be seen daily by case management and medical staff while in this temporary status, and a psychological or psychiatric assessment report should be prepared during this temporary placement period.

[54 FR 11323, Mar. 17, 1989, as amended at 56 FR 31530, July 10, 1991]

§ 541.63   Hearing procedure.

(a) The Regional Director in the region where the inmate is located shall review the institution's recommendation for referral of an inmate for controlled housing status. If the Regional Director concurs with the recommendation, the Regional Director shall designate a person in the Regional Office or a person at department head level or above in the institution to conduct a hearing on the appropriateness of an inmate's placement in controlled housing status. This Hearing Administrator shall have correctional experience, no former personal involvement in the instant situation, and a knowledge of the type of behavior that poses a health risk to others, and of the options available for dealing with an inmate who poses such a health risk to others.

(b) The Hearing Administrator shall provide a hearing to an inmate recommended for controlled housing status. The hearing ordinarily shall take place at the institution housing the inmate.

(c) The hearing shall proceed as follows:

(1) Staff shall provide an inmate with an advance written notice of the hearing and a copy of this rule at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. The notice will advise the inmate of the specific act(s) or other evidence which forms the basis for a recommendation that the inmate be placed in a controlled housing status, unless such evidence would likely endanger staff or others. If an inmate is illiterate, staff shall explain the notice and this rule to the inmate and document that this explanation has occurred.

(2) The Hearing Administrator shall upon request of the inmate provide an inmate the service of a full-time staff member to represent the inmate. The Hearing Administrator shall document in the record of the hearing an inmate's request for, or refusal of staff representation. The inmate may select a staff representative from the local institution. If the selected staff member declines for good reason or is unavailable, the inmate has the option of selecting another representative or, in the case of an absent staff member, of waiting a reasonable period (determined by the Hearing Administrator) for the staff member's return, or of proceeding without a staff representative. When an inmate is illiterate, the Warden shall provide a staff representative. The staff representative shall be available to assist the inmate and, if the inmate desires, shall contact witnesses and present favorable evidence at the hearing. The Hearing Administrator shall afford the staff representative adequate time to speak with the inmate and to inteview available witnesses.

(3) The inmate has the right to be present throughout the hearing, except where institutional security or good order is jeopardized. The Hearing Adminstrator may conduct a hearing in the absence of the inmate when the inmate refuses to appear. The Hearing Administrator shall document an inmate's refusal to appear, or other reason for nonappearance, in the record of the hearing.

(4) The inmate is entitled to present documentary evidence and to have witnesses appear, provided that calling witnesses would not jeopardize or threaten institutional security or individual safety, and further provided that the witnesses are available at the institution where the hearing is being conducted.

(i) The evidence to be presented must be material and relevant to the issue as to whether the inmate can and would pose a health risk to others, if allowed to remain in general prison population. This evidence may come from the statements of the individual, repeated misconduct (including disciplinary actions), or other behavior suggesting that the inmate may engage in predatory or promiscuous sexual behavior, assaultive behavior where body fluids may be transmitted to others, or the sharing of needles.

(ii) Repetitive witnesses need not be called. Staff who recommend placement in a controlled housing status are not required to appear, provided their recommendation is fully explained in the record.

(iii) When a witness is not available within the institution, or not permitted to appear, the inmate may submit a written statement by that witness. The Hearing Administrator shall, upon the inmate's request, postpone any decision following the hearing for a reasonable time to permit the obtaining and forwarding of written statements.

(iv) The Hearing Administrator shall document in the record of the hearing the reasons for declining to hear a witness or to receive documentary evidence.

[54 FR 11323, Mar. 17, 1989, as amended at 63 FR 5218, Jan. 30, 1998]

§ 541.64   Decision of the Hearing Administrator.

(a) At the conclusion of the hearing and following review of all material related to the recommendation for placement of an inmate in a controlled housing status, the Hearing Administrator shall prepare a written decision as to whether this placement is warranted. The Hearing Administrator shall:

(1) Prepare a summary of the hearing and of all information presented upon which the decision is based; and

(2) Indicate the specific reasons for the decision, to include a description of the act, or series of acts, or other reliable evidence on which the decision is based, along with evidence of the inmate's HIV positive status.

(b) The Hearing Administrator shall advise the inmate in writing of the decision. The inmate shall receive the information described in paragraph (a) of this section unless it is determined that the release of this information could pose a threat to individual safety, or institutional security, in which case that limited information may be withheld. The Hearing Administrator shall advise the inmate that the decision will be submitted for review of the Regional Director in the region where the inmate is located. The Hearing Administrator shall advise the inmate that, if the inmate so desires, the inmate may submit an appeal of the Hearing Administrator's decision to the Regional Director. This appeal, with supporting documentation and reasons, must be filed within five working days of the inmate's receipt of the Hearing Administrator's decision.

(c) The Hearing Administrator may order the continuation of the inmate in special housing pending review by the Regional Director. The Hearing Administrator should state the reasons for this order in the record of the Hearing.

(d) The Hearing Administrator shall send the decision, whether for or against placement in a controlled housing status, and supporting documentation to the Regional Director. Ordinarily, this is done within 20 working days after conclusion of the hearing. Any reason for extension is to be documented.

§ 541.65   Regional Director review and appeal.

(a) The Regional Director shall review the decision and supporting documentation of the Hearing Administrator and, if submitted, the information contained in an inmate's appeal. The Regional Director shall accept or reject the Hearing Administrator's decision within 30 working days of its receipt, unless for good cause there is reason for delay, which shall be documented in the record. The authority of the Regional Director may not be delegated below the level of acting Regional Director.

(b) The Regional Director shall provide a copy of his decision to the Warden at the institution housing the inmate, to the inmate, and to the Hearing Administrator.

(c) An inmate may appeal a decision of the Regional Director, through the Administrative Remedy Program, directly to the National Inmate Appeals Administrator, Office of General Counsel, within 30 calendar days of the Regional Director's decision (see 28 CFR 542.15).

[54 FR 11323, Mar. 17, 1989, as amended at 63 FR 5218, Jan. 30, 1998]

§ 541.66   Programs and services.

To the extent consistent with available resources and the security needs of the institution, an inmate in controlled housing status is to be considered for activities and privileges afforded to the general population. This includes, but is not limited to, providing an inmate with the opportunity for participation in an education program, library services, counseling, and religious guidance, as well as access to case management, medical and mental health assistance, and legal services, including access to the institution's law libraries. An inmate in controlled housing status should be afforded at least five hours weekly recreation and exercise out of the cell. The recreation shall be by himself or under close supervision. Unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary, institutions shall provide commissary privileges and reasonable amounts of personal property. The Warden may restrict for reasons of security, fire safety, or housekeeping the amount of personal property that an inmate may retain while in controlled housing status. An inmate shall be permitted to have a radio, provided it is equipped with ear plugs. Visits shall be carefully monitored.

§ 541.67   Review of controlled housing status.

(a) Staff designated by the Warden shall evaluate regularly an inmate's adjustment while in controlled housing status. A medical staff member shall see the inmate daily, and regularly record medical and behavioral impressions. Once every 90 days, staff, comprised of a correctional and case management supervisor, and a member of the medical staff, shall meet with the inmate. The inmate is required to attend this meeting in order to be considered for release to the general population. Any refusal by the inmate to attend this meeting will be documented. Staff, at this meeting, shall make an assessment of the inmate's adjustment while in controlled housing and the likely health threat the inmate poses to others by his actions.

(b) The Warden shall serve as the review authority at the institutional level, and shall make a recommendation to the Regional Director when he believes the inmate should be considered for release from controlled housing.

(c) An inmate may appeal a Warden's decision not to recommend release from controlled housing to the Regional Director within five working days of receipt of that decision.

(d) Upon recommendation of the Warden, or upon appeal from the inmate, the Regional Director may decide whether or not to release the inmate to general population from controlled housing status.

(e) An inmate may appeal a decision of the Regional Director, through the Administrative Remedy Program, directly to the National Inmate Appeals Administrator, Office of General Counsel, within 30 calendar days of the Regional Director's decision (see 28 CFR 542.15).

[54 FR 11323, Mar. 17, 1989; 54 FR 18198, Apr. 27, 1989, as amended at 63 FR 5218, Jan. 30, 1998]

§ 541.68   Release from controlled housing status.

(a) Only the Regional Director may release an inmate from controlled housing status. The following factors are considered in the evaluation of an inmate's readiness for return to the general population:

(1) Relationship with other inmates and staff members, which demonstrate that the inmate is able to function in a less restrictive environment without posing a health threat to others or to the orderly operation of the institution;

(2) Involvement in work and recreational activities and assignments or other programs; and

(3) Adherence to institution guidelines and Bureau of Prisons rules and policy.

(b) An inmate released from a controlled housing status may be returned to the general population of that institution, or to another federal or non-federal institution.

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